
Basic Gourmet Foods Pvt Ltd is a public limited company, incorporated in 1995. Since its inception it has grown as one of the major basmati rice millers and exporters of India. The Government of India has awarded us the status of "Star Export House".

The company is spearheaded by Mr. Athar Zia (MBA) Chairman and Managing Director who has vast professional experience in Basmati Rice Industry, from development and selection of seeds to its harvesting, milling and processing of rice, logistic and its marketing. We have a pool of around 110 well qualified and well experienced professionals who are specialized in different aspect of the trade.

The team is totally focused for providing real value for money to our customers globally. Our Sales Turnover is Rs. 3000 Million (48 Million USD).

Basic Gourmet Foods Pvt Ltd is totally committed to quality. Our eight stage integrated total control system insure 350 degree focus on quality.

Our Basmati Paddy Procurement Area
Our Paddy is procured from the lands of Himalayan snow fed rivers of North India, Haryana & Punjab. These are heart land of Basmati Rice growing area. From selection of seeds to monitoring harvest and crop everything is done very professionally so that we can procure the right produce at the right price. We have specialized personnel for the same. We monitor the crop right from sowing stage, and then procure the same from various Mandis after analyzing the quality of harvest at each and every Mandi. We ensure the healthiness, aroma and purity of the grain before the procurement.

The MD Mr. Athar Zia is surveying and monitoring the crop at its various stages.

Our Mission
We represent everything that is basically Indian, the AROMA of BASMATI Rice is only one of them, among others are satisfying the gourmet food need of the discerning customer globally "Thus we aspire to be positioned among the best, healthy gourmet food provider with real value for money to its discerning customer”.